ROCK MY WORLD (lyric video)

Originally written in 2000, Rock My World is an anthem to the God of the Universe. This version is the 20 year version, combining the arrangements of the years as they progressed through bands' styles, personal journeys and worldwide experiences.
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The latest musical offering album is weeks away from release. It brings together songs, psalms, chants and war cries - birthed in deepest places of corporate praise and the sweetest moments of private worship. The music draws on the call to a generation to rise from the Valley of Bones - a place of death, or compromise, of settling for less - to ascend and govern with the Ruler of Heaven. This is The Remnant Rising.


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The name is a direct translation of my surname from Dutch. My earliest memories are of me playing my tennis racket to the tunes of my dad's LPs and holding rockshows for my Teddy Bears and GI Joes. The desire evolved and at the age of six I started with Piano lessons and by the age of 18 had taught myself guitar, drums and bass. After a three-year study stint and a Diploma in Journalism, I enrolled to study Jazz Guitar.


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20 years down the journey and I've played in numerous bands, embarked on ministry trips to different corners of the earth and have released a few "home recording" albums which served their purposes at the time (and which are still available on all streaming platforms). Arise - my first semi-professional project of my Praise and Worship songs - was three years in the making due to hard-drive crashes, life-crises and general time constraints. The album is also available on streaming platforms as well as on CD.

Remnant Rising is the first professionally produced studio album. The recordings were birthed in the midst of the worldwide Covid pandemic as the planet was shutdown in hard lockdowns. More news on this release to follow soon …


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My desire is to bring people into the Gates of Praise and then into the Inner Room and the Holy of Holies. Praise and Worship in general has turned into an industry itself - where we praise Praise and worship Worship based on the sound and quality of production. My prayer is that we'll always be on the cutting edge of God's creativity (which is so massively vast) and move from a place of singing 'nice' songs on a Sunday to living a lifestyle of worship. Worship is a walk; a journey and should never be a once-off experience.

"I see a Remnant Rising from the Valley of Bones …"

We need to take the 'act' of worship out of the box we've built around it for the past 2000 years. The expression of worship cannot be confined to our human definitions just as the creativity of Yahweh cannot be restricted by our control. By confining expressions of worship to a specific style, instrument or only songs written a certain way we sabotage a call to worship Him "in Spirit and in Truth".


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